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2023 Contribution to conference Open Access OPEN
Preface to the Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Computational Intelligence for Process Mining (CI4PM 2022) and 1st International Workshop on Pervasive Artificial Intelligence (PAI 2022)
Pegoraro M., Bacciu D., Burattin A., Carta A., Dazzi P., De Leoni M., Eirinaki M., Varlamis I.
This CEUR-WS volume contains the joint proceedings of two workshops on the domain of computational intelligence: the first International Workshop on Computational Intelligence for Process Mining (CI4PM 2022) and the first International Workshop on Pervasive Artificial Intelligence (PAI 2022). Both events were co-located with the fortieth IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN 2022), organized within the twelfth IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence (WCCI 2022). The University of Padua (Università degli Studi di Padova) served as the hosting institution for WCCI 2022, which took place between the 18?? and the 23?? of July 2022 in Padua, Italy. The accepted papers of CI4PM were presented on the 18?? of July, while accepted papers of PAI were presented on the 19?? of July. Additional information on the individual events, accepted papers, and the respective committees can be found on the following pages.

See at: ceur-ws.org Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2023 Journal article Open Access OPEN
SmartORC smart orchestration of resources in the compute continuum
Carlini E., Coppola M., Dazzi P., Ferrucci L., Kavalionak H., Korontanis I., Mordacchini M., Tserpes K.
The promise of the compute continuum is to present applications with a flexible and transparent view of the resources in the Internet of Things-Edge-Cloud ecosystem. However, such a promise requires tackling complex challenges to maximize the benefits of both the cloud and the edge. Challenges include managing a highly distributed platform, matching services and resources, harnessing resource heterogeneity, and adapting the deployment of services to the changes in resources and applications. In this study, we present SmartORC, a comprehensive set of components designed to provide a complete framework for managing resources and applications in the Compute Continuum. Along with the description of all the SmartORC subcomponents, we have also provided the results of an evaluation aimed at showcasing the framework's capability.Source: Frontiers in high performance computing 1 (2023). doi:10.3389/fhpcp.2023.1164915
DOI: 10.3389/fhpcp.2023.1164915

See at: doi.org Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | www.frontiersin.org Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2022 Conference article Open Access OPEN
A novel approach to distributed model aggregation using Apache Kafka
Bano S., Carlini E., Cassarà P., Coppola M., Dazzi P., Gotta A.
Multi-Access Edge Computing (MEC) is attracting a lot of interest because it complements cloud-based approaches. Indeed, MEC is opening up in the direction of reducing both interaction delays and data sharing, called Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs). In the near fu-ture, edge technologies will be a fundamental tool to better support time-dependent and data-intensive applications. In this context, this work explores existing and emerging platforms for MEC and human-centric applications, and proposes a suitable architecture that can be used in the context of autonomous vehicle systems.The proposed architecture will support scalable communication among sensing devices and edge/cloud computing platforms, as well as orchestrate services for computing, storage, and learning with the use of an Information-centric paradigm such as Apache KafkaSource: FRAME '22 - 2nd Workshop on Flexible Resource and Application Management on the Edge, pp. 33–36, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, 27/06-01/07/2022
DOI: 10.1145/3526059.3533621
Project(s): TEACHING via OpenAIRE

See at: ZENODO Open Access | dl.acm.org Restricted | doi.org Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2022 Conference article Open Access OPEN
A federated cloud solution for transnational mobility data sharing
Carlini E., Chevalier T., Dazzi P., Lettich F., Perego R., Renso C., Trani S.
Nowadays, innovative digital services are massively spreading both in the public and private sectors. In this work we focus on the digital data regarding the mobility of persons and goods, which are experiencing exponential growth thanks to the significant diffusion of telecommunication infrastructures and inexpensive GPS-equipped devices. The volume, velocity, and heterogeneity of mobility data call for advanced and efficient services to collect and integrate various data sources from different data producers. The MobiDataLab H2020 project aims to deal with these challenges by introducing an efficient and highly interoperable digital framework for mobility data sharing. In particular, the project aims to propose to the mobility stakeholders (i.e., transport organising authorities, operators, industry, governments, and innovators) reproducible methodologies and sustainable tools that can foster the development of a data-sharing culture in Europe and beyond. This paper introduces the key concepts driving the design and definition of a cloud-based data-sharing federation we call the Transport Cloud platform, which represents one of the main pillars of the MobiDataLab project. Such platform aims to ensure transnational access to mobility data in a secure, efficient, and seamless way, and to ensure that FAIR principles (i.e., mobility data should be findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable) are enforced.Source: SEBD 2022 - 30th Italian Symposium on Advanced Database Systems, pp. 586–592, Tirrenia, Pisa, Italy, 19-22/06/2022
Project(s): ACCORDION via OpenAIRE, MobiDataLab via OpenAIRE

See at: ceur-ws.org Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2021 Conference article Open Access OPEN
Data Science Workflows for the Cloud/Edge Computing Continuum
Grossi V., Trasarti R., Dazzi P.
Research infrastructures play a crucial role in the development of data science. In fact, the conjunction of data, infrastructures and analytical methods enable multidisciplinary scientists and innovators to extract knowledge and to make the knowledge and experiments reusable by the scientific community, innovators providing an im- pact on science and society. Resources such as data and methods, help domain and data scientists to transform research in an innovation question into a responsible data-driven analytical process. On the other hand, Edge computing is a new computing paradigm that is spreading and developing at an incredible pace. Edge computing is based on the assumption that for certain applications is beneficial to bring the computation as closer as possible to data or end-users. This paper introduces an approach for writing data science workflows targeting research infrastructures that encompass resources located at the edge of the network.Source: FRAME'21 - 1st Workshop on Flexible Resource and Application Management on the Edge, Virtual Event, Sweden, 25/06/2021
DOI: 10.1145/3452369.3463820
Project(s): SoBigData-PlusPlus via OpenAIRE

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2021 Contribution to conference Open Access OPEN
Cloud and data federation in MobiDataLab
Carlini E., Dazzi P., Lettich F., Perego R., Renso C.
Today's innovative digital services dealing with the mobility of per- sons and goods produce huge amount of data. To propose advanced and efficient mobility services, the collection and aggregation of new sources of data from various producers are necessary. The overall objective of the MobiDataLab H2020 project is to propose to the mobility stakeholders (transport organising authorities, operators, industry, government and innovators) reproducible methodologies and sustainable tools that foster the development of a data-sharing culture in Europe and beyond. This short paper introduces the key concepts driving the design and definition of the Cloud and Data Federation that stands at the basis of MobiDataLab.Source: FRAME'21 - 1st Workshop on Flexible Resource and Application Management on the Edge, pp. 39–40, Virtual Event, Sweden, 25/06/2021
DOI: 10.1145/3452369.3463819
Project(s): ACCORDION via OpenAIRE

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | dl.acm.org Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2021 Conference article Open Access OPEN
Inter-operability and orchestration in heterogeneous cloud/edge resources: the ACCORDION vision
Korontanis I., Tserpes K., Pateraki M., Blasi L., Violos J., Ferran D., Marin E., Kourtellis N., Coppola M., Carlini E., Ledwo? Z., Tarkowski P., Loven T., González Rozas Y., Kentros M., Dodis M., Dazzi P.
This paper introduces the ACCORDION framework, a novel frame- work for the management of the cloud-edge continuum, targeting the support of NextGen applications with strong QoE requirements. The framework addresses the need for an ever expanding and het- erogeneous pool of edge resources in order to deliver the promise of ubiquitous computing to the NextGen application clients. This endeavor entails two main technical challenges. First, to assure interoperability when incorporating heterogeneous infrastructures in the pool. Second, the management of the largely dynamic pool of edge nodes. The optimization of the delivered QoE stands as the core driver to this work, therefore its monitoring and modelling comprises a core part of the conducted work. The paper discusses the main pillars that support the ACCORDION vision, and provide a description of the three planned use case that are planned to demonstrate ACCORDION capabilities.Source: FRAME'21 - 1st Workshop on Flexible Resource and Application Management on the Edge, pp. 9–14, Virtual Event, Sweden, 25/06/2021
DOI: 10.1145/3452369.3463816
Project(s): ACCORDION via OpenAIRE, ACCORDION via OpenAIRE

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | ZENODO Open Access | dl.acm.org Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2021 Conference article Open Access OPEN
Collaborative visual environments for evidence taking in digital justice: a design concept
Erra U., Capece N., Lettieri N., Fabiani E., Banterle F., Cignoni P., Dazzi P., Aleotti J., Monica R.
In recent years, Spatial Computing (SC) has emerged as a novel paradigm thanks to the advancements in Extended Reality (XR), remote sensing, and artificial intelligence. Computers are nowadays more and more aware of physical environments (i.e. objects shape, size, location and movement) and can use this knowledge to blend technology into reality seamlessly, merge digital and real worlds, and connect users by providing innovative interaction methods. Criminal and civil trials offer an ideal scenario to exploit Spatial Computing. The taking of evidence, indeed, is a complex activity that not only involves several actors (judges, lawyers, clerks, advi- sors) but it often requires accurate topographic surveys of places and objects. Moreover, another essential means of proof, the "judi- cial experiments" - reproductions of real-world events (e.g. a road accident) the judge uses to evaluate if and how a given fact has taken place - could be usefully carried out in virtual environments. In this paper we propose a novel approach for digital justice based on a multi-user, multimodal virtual collaboration platform that enables technology-enhanced acquisition and analysis of trial evidence.Source: FRAME'21 - 1st Workshop on Flexible Resource and Application Management on the Edge, pp. 41–44, Sweden, Virtual Event, 25/06/2021
DOI: 10.1145/3452369.3463820
Project(s): ACCORDION via OpenAIRE

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | dl.acm.org Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2021 Journal article Open Access OPEN
ACCORDION: Edge Computing for NextGen Applications
Dazzi P.
Cloud computing has played a vital role in the digital revolution. Clouds enable consumers and businesses to use applications without dealing with local installations and the associated complexity. However, a big class of applications is currently being blocked because of their dependency on on-site infrastructures or specialised end-devices but also because they are too latency-sensitive or data-dependent to be moved to the public cloud.Source: ERCIM news online edition 125 (2021).
Project(s): ACCORDION via OpenAIRE

See at: ercim-news.ercim.eu Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2021 Conference article Open Access OPEN
Latency preserving self-optimizing placement at the edge
Ferrucci L., Mordacchini M., Coppola M., Carlini E., Kavalionak H., Dazzi P.
The Internet is experiencing a fast expansion at its edges. The wide availability of heterogeneous resources at the Edge is pivotal in the definition and extension of traditional Cloud solutions toward supporting the development of new applications. However, the dynamic and distributed nature of these resources poses new challenges for the optimization of the behaviour of the system. New decentralized and self-organizing methods are needed to face the needs of the Edge/Cloud scenario and to optimize the exploitation of Edge resources. In this paper we propose a distributed and adaptive solution that reduces the number of replicas of application services that are executed throughout the system, all the while ensuring that the latency constraints of applications are met, thus allowing to also meet the end users' QoS requirements. Experimental evaluations through simulation show the effectiveness of the proposed approach.Source: FRAME'21 - 1st Workshop on Flexible Resource and Application Management on the Edge, pp. 3–8, Virtual Event, Sweden, 25/06/2021
DOI: 10.1145/3452369.3463815
Project(s): ACCORDION via OpenAIRE, ACCORDION via OpenAIRE

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | ZENODO Open Access | dl.acm.org Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2021 Conference article Open Access OPEN
An osmotic ecosystem for data streaming applications in smart cities
Carlini E., Carnevale L., Coppola M., Dazzi P., Mencagli G., Talia D., Villari M.
Modern multi-tier Cloud-Edge-IoT computational platforms seamlessly map with the distributed and hierarchical nature of smart cities infrastructure. However, classical tools and methodologies to organise data as well as computational and network resources are poorly equipped to tackle the dynamic and heterogeneous environments of smart cities. In this paper we propose a reference architecture that aims to establish a unified approach for the orchestration of modern Cloud-Edge-IoT infrastructures and resources specifically tailored for data streaming applications in smart-cities. Stemming from the proposed reference architecture, we also discuss a series of open challenges, which we believe represent relevant research directions in the nearest future.Source: FRAME'21 - 1st Workshop on Flexible Resource and Application Management on the Edge, pp. 27–31, Virtual event, Sweden, 25/06/2021
DOI: 10.1145/3452369.3463822

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | dl.acm.org Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2021 Other Unknown
ACCORDION: Architecture finally defined
Dazzi P.
The H2020 project ACCORDION will very soon deliver the core modules of its novel platform, with a complete release of the integrated platform to follow soon after.Project(s): ACCORDION via OpenAIRE

See at: CNR ExploRA | www.hipeac.net

2021 Journal article Open Access OPEN
CHARITY: Cloud for holography and cross reality
Dazzi P., Corsini M.
ISTI-CNR is involved in the H2020 CHARITY project (Cloud for HologrAphy and Cross RealITY), which started in January 2021. The project aims to leverage the benefits of intelligent, autonomous orchestration of a heterogeneous set of cloud, edge, and network resources, to create a symbiotic relationship between low and high latency infrastructures that will facilitate the needs of emerging applications.Source: ERCIM news online edition 126 (2021): 46–47.

See at: ercim-news.ercim.eu Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2021 Report Open Access OPEN
ACCORDION D6.1 - Pilot Plans (I)
Dodis M., Ledwon Z., Tarkowski P., Loven T., Carlini E., Zadtootaghaj S., Dazzi P.
This deliverable provides a first release of the report on the plans to implement and evaluate the scenarios addressed for each project Use Case. The deliverable comprises and reports on tree main subtasks. The first subtask relates to a detailed description of the Use Cases and the scenarios under which evaluation which revolve. The second subtask relates to the description of the pilot prototypes, the evaluation methodology, the experimentation requirements, the modules/functionalities that will be assessed and the metrics for assessing the value of ACCORDION in terms of technology and subjective Quality of Experience. The third subtask specifies the integration plan for the components and technologies of ACCORDION, the design of the infrastructure along with the testbed combinations for pilot execution and evaluation and the execution methodology. Regarding ethical and privacy issues, all necessary measures have been considered as part of conducting the subjective Quality of experience evaluation and are reported.Source: ISTI Project report, ACCORDION, D6.1, 2021
Project(s): ACCORDION via OpenAIRE

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2021 Report Open Access OPEN
ACCORDION D6.2 - Requirements on Quality Assessment I
Zadtootaghaj S., Pateraki M., Ledwon Z., Loven T., Andilla F. D., Kentros M., Dazzi P.
This deliverable reports about the requirements for the development of the Quality of Experience (QoE) model for ACCORDION. The document focuses on a parametric-based monitoring models that can predict the mean opinion scores measuring the impact of impairments introduced by typical networks and compression on the quality experienced by users. The deliverable focuses on the OVR, PLEX and ORBK applications and its main objective is to plan the necessary steps supporting the development of QoE models. The deliverable includes information on the scope of the model, list of influencing factors, range of parameters per use case, model structure, test structure, and information about test setup, test participants, selection of stimuli, considered quality features, test procedure, condition plan and the tool that will be used for the subjective test. This report also provides the plan for future work.Source: ISTI Project report, ACCORDION, D6.2, 2021
Project(s): ACCORDION via OpenAIRE

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2021 Report Open Access OPEN
ACCORDION D3.1 - Edge infrastructure pool framework report (I)
Psomakelis E., Blasi L., Vailati A., Kavalionak H., Korontanis I., Huici F., Dazzi P.
This deliverable provides the first report summarizing the scientific advancements achieved during the project, by the WP3 tasks. The achievements, risks and challenges are presented both at a high level, presenting the outcome of the WP3 tasks (called ACCORDION Minicloud VIM) as a unified component, and at a lower level, presenting the components that comprise the ACCORDION Minicloud VIM. For each component we can clearly identify the progress through the first year of the project, the challenges and problems encountered and the plans for the second year of the project.Source: ISTI Project report, ACCORDION, D3.1, 2021
Project(s): ACCORDION via OpenAIRE

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2021 Report Open Access OPEN
ACCORDION D3.2 - Edge infrastructure pool framework implementation (I)
Korontanis I., Psomakelis V., Kavalionak H., Di Girolamo M., Vailati A., Huici F., Dazzi P.
This document is the accompanying report documenting the software components that are released as part of ACCORDION Deliverable D3.2 and explains how to install and use them. The report includes the description of the first implementation provided by ACCORDION for the Edge infrastructure pool framework (or Edge minicloud), developed by the tasks inside WP3. The implemented minicloud model can include only resources located in a single site and typically owned by a single provider. The developed framework, representing one of the key innovations realized by ACCORDION, puts together the different components that altogether implement the functionalities requested to deploy and operate federated miniclouds inside the ACCORDION environment. It allows to locate and assign edge resources to the client applications of ACCORDION, ensuring they are duly registered, tracked, monitored and that the system is able to react whenever needed to ensure the quality of service to users of client applications. The framework implements the architectural guidelines and requirements set by WP2, will be further integrated with the higher (orchestration) layer components developed by WP4 and, once integrated, will run the Pilot use case applications proposed by WP6.Source: ISTI Project report, ACCORDION, D3.2, 2021
Project(s): ACCORDION via OpenAIRE

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2021 Report Open Access OPEN
ACCORDION D4.1 - Edge/Cloud continuum management framework report (I)
Taleb T., Violos J., Tsanakas S., Pagoulatou T., Theodoropoulos T., Coppola M., Dazzi P., Ferrucci L., Diego F., Marin E., Kourtelis N.
This deliverable provides the first report summarizing the scientific advancements, during the first year of the project, achieved by WP4 Tasks. Work Package (WP) 4, dubbed Edge/Cloud continuum management framework, is organized around 6 Tasks is to develop a framework that efficiently manages the deployment and runtime of ACCORDION applications on the continuum.Source: ISTI Project report, ACCORDION, D4.1, 2021
Project(s): ACCORDION via OpenAIRE

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2021 Report Open Access OPEN
ACCORDION D7.2 - Dissemination & exploitation activities (I)
Tserpes K., Di Girolamo M., Violos J., Lipa B., Paterkai M., Loven T., Tarkowski P., Taleb T., Nadir Z., Kourtelis N., Schmidt S., Ferran D., Dazzi P., Rapisarda B., Coppola M., Vakalellis M.
ACCORDION project aims at unlocking the full potential of a big class of applications that are too latency- sensitive, or data-dependent, to be moved to the public cloud. ACCORDION couples efficient, decentralized and AI-based solutions for cloud and edge resource federation with novel approaches for application definition management and generation at runtime. This deliverable provides a broad overview of the communication, dissemination and exploitation activities implemented within the ACCORDION project within the first 18 months of the project and a detailed market analysis. A detailed exploitation strategy for the project, as well as exploitation plans for individual partners, was presented in the previous deliverable D7.1. Based on those plans, in this deliverable we carry out an evaluation of the ACCORDION project's dissemination and exploitation activities made so far.Source: ISTI Project report, ACCORDION, D7.2, 2021
Project(s): ACCORDION via OpenAIRE

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2021 Conference article Open Access OPEN
TEACHING - Trustworthy autonomous cyber-physical applications through human-centred intelligence
Bacciu D., Akarmazyan S., Armengaud E., Bacco M., Bravos G., Calandra C., Carlini E., Carta A., Cassarà P., Coppola M., Davalas C., Dazzi P., Degennaro M. C., Di Sarli D., Dobaj J., Gallicchio C., Girbal S., Gotta A., Groppo R., Lomonaco V., Macher G., Mazzei D., Mencagli G., Michail D., Micheli A., Peroglio R., Petroni S., Potenza R., Pourdanesh F., Sardianos C., Tserpes K., Tagliabò F., Vatl J., Varlamis I., Veledar O.
This paper discusses the perspective of the H2020 TEACHING project on the next generation of autonomous applications running in a distributed and highly heterogeneous environment comprising both virtual and physical resources spanning the edge-cloud continuum. TEACHING puts forward a human-centred vision leveraging the physiological, emotional, and cognitive state of the users as a driver for the adaptation and optimization of the autonomous applications. It does so by building a distributed, embedded and federated learning system complemented by methods and tools to enforce its dependability, security and privacy preservation. The paper discusses the main concepts of the TEACHING approach and singles out the main AI-related research challenges associated with it. Further, we provide a discussion of the design choices for the TEACHING system to tackle the aforementioned challenges.Source: IEEE COINS 2021 - IEEE International Conference on Omni-layer Intelligent systems, Online conference, 23-26/08/2021
DOI: 10.1109/coins51742.2021.9524099
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5293769
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5293768
Project(s): TEACHING via OpenAIRE

See at: arXiv.org e-Print Archive Open Access | ieeexplore.ieee.org Restricted | xplorestaging.ieee.org Restricted | CNR ExploRA